Pyrography Techniques

Why learning pyrography techniques are important

Precision is highly important in pyrography. The slightest carelessness and distraction will destroy the work completely. Also, the applied contrast proportions on the wood are significant. So it is important to learning pyrography techniques. Also, it is so important to use the best pyrography tools. In pyrography, two main colors of brown and gold are used. Different spectrums of them will define the beauty of the artworks. Creating different contrasts from the mentioned two colors and, of course, establishing a proportion between them is the only art that, after choosing a proper design, a pyrography artist should showcase.

High sensitivity causes the artist to focus all their attention on the work and not pay the slightest attention to the surroundings. Because the tiniest time difference in this work changes the color of the wood. As a result, would cause a variety in contrasts. Also, it causes the very hot tip of the soldering iron to sink into the wood and will destroy the work. Additionally, the artist would hold their breath to have better control over the wood and the soldering iron.

Pyrography Techniques

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Pyrography with special soldering irons, controlled flames, and hot sand

A pyrography tableau is a collection of original Iranian arts with a combination of several industries. The history of pyrography in Iran dates back to the Safavid dynasty. It includes cutting a thin leather of sheepskin. It is used to implement patterns, and images. Pyrography is implemented with three tools of controlled flames, special soldering irons, and hot sand that each of them has a special application. The pyrography with a soldering iron is performed with special electrical soldering irons.

In the second pyrography techniques , the pyrography is conducted by hot sand that requires no special tools and is applicable for all. Obviously, you could not draw precise lines with the method above, but it is considered a great tool to create desired shadows and gradients. For this method, first, we will wash some sand and then will dry them; after that, we will pour the sand into a metal container and put it on a flame to provide hot sand. In the next step, we will pour the sand with a spoon in a controlled manner.

The third step includes using a controllable flame for pyrography. For that, an atomic lighter is used because it is both controllable and is cost-effective.

How to start pyrography

You will need a good design for pyrography to get started. It depends on your taste and style. To get started, it is better to choose a simple design. Because contrary to many people’s beliefs, pyrography is a lot harder than you would imagine, and by choosing a difficult design, you will get tired of this art. It is better to learn it step by step and patiently. There are multiple ways to transfer a design on wood (leather, cardboard, and paper). The easiest one is to use carbon paper.
You must use yellow or black carbon paper.

The yellow carbon paper is really desired because its trace on the wood does not interfere with the shadows created by the soldering iron and does not ruin the appearance. However, the yellow carbon papers apply a faint trace, and when you have a complex design that has multiple lines, finding the lines would be difficult. Do not use blue carbon paper at all, and do not use black carbon paper for more complex designs. Try to provide the Pelican carbon paper. Before using it, reduce the paper’s ink with a tissue to avoid blacking the wood’s surface and minimize the trace that is remained on the wood.

The quality of pyrography depends on the application of original and natural materials in colors, using pure gold, using the pyrography techniques using fine and well-tanned leathers. Also, the beauty and originality of the design used is another important point in this regard.

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